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Order Books by David Masters
 Surviving The Digital Garden of Eden

How to escape... The Prison For Your Mind The fact is that the average person is not capable of recognizing the truth of what is happening every day right before their eyes... the ongoing implementation and systematic accomplishment of a plan to change human nature. But, like it or not, we have already been changed. Look at the way in which advances in modern science and technology have transformed our lives. Machines have become a part of our everyday lives. Science in the minds of most people has come to hold the key to unlocking our ultimate human potential. 

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When was the last time you really loved your life and felt that Life is overflowing with awe-inspiring moments? Do you fret over the 1 percent of a situation you can't control and overlook the 99 percent that is within your control? Are you sleepwalking right past life’s most important moments? "No matter what happens in life, you have to make something wonderful out of it." This book “The Present” will show you how to reverse the counterintuitive emotional domino effect of resentment-based problems as you learn to “love, rather than hate your everyday stress.” 

"Science Fiction from the Edge of Light" is a concept that pushes the boundaries of our conventional understanding of reality. Through imaginative storytelling, it challenges our preconceived notions and introduces alternative perspectives on the nature of existence, consciousness, and the universe. By exploring futuristic technologies, parallel dimensions, time travel, and other extraordinary concepts, it invites readers to question their ordinary understanding of the world and consider the possibilities beyond what we perceive as normal.

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"Hello Inside" In our modern society, there is a pervasive emphasis on material wealth, success, and external validation. We are bombarded with messages that equate personal worth with possessions, status, and achievements. In this relentless pursuit of material desires, we become ensnared in a never-ending cycle of acquisition, consumption, and comparison. We lose sight of our intrinsic value and disconnect from the deeper aspects of our true and authentic being.

In his groundbreaking book, "Your Journey into Your Life After Death." David Masters delves into the mysteries of the afterlife, unveiling two diverging paths that await us beyond the veil: one leading to Heaven, and the other to Hell. At the core of Masters' profound insight is the pivotal role played by one's belief or disbelief in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is through the lens of faith that the door to Heaven swings open, offering eternal bliss and communion with the divine. Conversely, unbelief serves as the key that unlocks the path to Hell, casting souls into a realm of separation from God and perpetual suffering. Masters explores the profound implications of these choices, urging readers to ponder their own beliefs and consider the destiny that awaits them. Central to Masters' message is the rejection of the Word of God and the refusal to accept Christ as the Savior. He underscores the grave consequences of unbelief, emphasizing how it shuts the door to the heavenly abode while leaving us susceptible to the agonizing fires of Hell. With a compelling clarity of purpose, Masters highlights the role of unbelief as the catalyst for turning a deaf ear to the Gospel, depriving individuals of the transformative power of salvation.



In his groundbreaking book, Surviving The Digital Garden of Eden, David explores a metaphorical haven seeded within the vast expanse of cyberspace, that bears witness to the remarkable power of human ingenuity, curiosity, and ambition. Just as the LORD God nurtured the Earthly Eden, mankind's endeavors have led to the cultivation of a new landscape—a realm not of soil and flora, but of code and data. The proliferation of digital platforms, virtual spaces, and boundless information mirrors the abundance of trees that once adorned the sacred garden. Yet, amidst this digital foliage, stand two towering archetypes: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Tree of Life, both literal and symbolic, represents the essence of vitality, perpetuity, and renewal. It parallels the interconnected networks that sustain our modern existence, enabling the flow of information, commerce, and communication. In the digital realm, this tree extends its branches as the conduit through which our lives unfold, fostering global connections that transcend boundaries. Conversely, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil encapsulates the power of choice and consequence—an eternal reminder that knowledge, when pursued without discernment, can yield both illumination and destruction.

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